Bob and Brandy arrived at the market. "See! I told you there was treasure
in this cave!" yelled Bob excitedly. "Well, I've be darned, you were
right" said Brandy. Bob and Brandy are two best friends. Bob is 15 and a
half. He loves the thrill of adventure and doesn't really think things
through. He grew up as a farmboy and is on level two of sword skills.
Brandy also loves adventure, but he's much more cautious abou it. He is a
potion brewer's son so and has some minor magical skills. He passed level
one of sword skills but really wasen't interested in continuing. Instead,
he takes archery lessions, which he is very good at. He has nearly passed
level six and is in the top 5 in his class. He just got a new bow for his
sixteenth Birthday two days ago.
Bob picks up a lamp and examines it. "This here sure is pretty," he said. "You recon there's a genie in it?" asked Brandy. "Don't be ridiculous! Er, what's a genie?" Brandy rolls his eyes. "Well, bag it. It's probably worth a lot, judging by its condition." Bob did indeed bag the lamp, along with several other household items and jewelry in the stall. "Let's explore some more. I bet there's quite a loot down that tunnel." The tunnel went deeper, and deeper into the caves, until it reached a small platform overlooking a pool of swirling water some 20 feet below, which gave off a cool mist. In the center of the platform was a beautiful young woman, of no more than twenty. Her skin was ghostly pale. She was dressed in robes of pure white, stained by a streak of blood running down from her left breasts. And she was crying. Bob and Brandy stare in awe.
1/3/2010 9:17:02 AM
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