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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 98820

Indeed, they were in space. And, moments later, they all perished and froze. As their bodies floated off into deep space, we are left with a question: why?

Not why they died, because that is obvious. No, the question is, why did the sudden suddenly sudden? What caused the cause of their demise? For the answer to this question, we speak with Lord Reaibn Daenorth, Author and cosmic powered weirdo.

J: Journalist R: Reaibn

J: So, Reaibn, what can you tell us about this sudden suddening and why it suddenly suddened, killing Josh, Beth, Krissy, and Scott?
R: Well, it wasn't the first time. Josh and Scott die all the time. It is hardly newsworthy at this point. *flashes the camera a grin*
J: Ah, well, that is one man... er... whatever you are's opinion.
R: Author. Primarily, an author. Though also a character, increasingly over the last few years. Cosmically powered, demigod status, crazy weird stuff. Yeah. *winks at camera*
J: Anyway, get to the point, sir. What about the suddening?
R: Ah, that. Well, me and Ben were experimenting on different ways to make waffles.
J: ...
R: That's pretty much it.
J: That's completely stupid. This interview has been beyond pointless.
R: Are we done? I have a hair appointment.
J: I apologize to everyone watching this. This has been stupid. I think that Reaibn owes us an apo--ribbit. *Reaibn had casually flicked his finger and turned the journalist into a frog.*
R: Yeah we are done. *calls bill murray* Bill, bro-ham, I am on the way over after I get my hair did. Yeah, Ben is coming too. Josh and Scott, well, I killed them apparently. Put them right into space. Funny, I know. *chuckle*

So, where do Scott, Krissy, Beth, and Josh revive next?

  1. The Staircase Room. Biiiig surprise.
  2. That new McDonalds on Third in downtown St. James.
  3. Space. But, this time, on a space station! Babylon 5!
  4. Deep Space Nine. So, like. A different space station.
  5. Anchorage, Alaska
  6. The third moon of Betal IV
  7. Your mom's house. In the living room.
  8. New Orleans, Louisiana at Mardi Gras!

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Lord Reaibn Daenorth

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