The first words that Astra heard were familiar: "I found her naked, with her bare breasts heaving to and fro in all of their glory, her smooth, subtle skin glistening in the torchlight, begging to be..." [25949] "Hey!" she objected."I explained why I was naked to you when you freed me!" "I didn't free you," said Belboz with a laugh, "but I do remember your lips moving, but I don't think I actually heard anything you said. Anyway, next thing you know Astra was chained up again and there was some kinda time thingee, a scroll," Minestus gave Belboz a hard stare, so he coughed and finished up quick. "Aaaannnddd...then we were here. Ya. So, ya. That's the story. Yep." Astra was fighting a mental fog that wanted to swallow her up into this memory, having been brought back to life, albeit under different circumstances. Meanwhile, Will shook his head. "To be frank, we expected a better story. I'm afraid Belboz will be paying for his pitcher. Maybe Minestus or Astra would be willing to give it a shot?" Astra had the uncomfortable feeling that something was badly wrong. Surely her words to Belboz when he met him in the caves hadn't really all gone unheard? She was sure that she could remember him calling her "Princess", albeit sarcastically. She shook her head as if to clear it. This wasn't then, this wasn't then! Well, she had better tell her story if she wanted her pitcher of beer to be free. She had no money of her own, of course, and she would rather not have to ask Minestus to lend her some. It was very good beer, too, though it seemed unusually strong. She tried not to slur her words too obviously, or to look across to the distracting Mr M, as she began her tale: "It was a dark and stormy night when I left Themyscira, the capital of Aqualaria. I was on a quest to find myself..." "...a rich and handsome Necromancer for a husband," Belboz interjected. Minestus frowned. Now he sensed what Astra was talking about. This place was thick with wrongness. They hadn't entered Multiversal space, not completely! Instead, they had partially jumped through the fold but then gotten stuck in the same time/space displacement. It was only a matter of time before they were stuck in it completely. He had to do something, but what?!
6/1/2012 8:35:22 AM
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