Name Change

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Name Change

Post by Y. »

Hey Toby & JH,

I have recently changed my monicker to YY. The reason is that when I tried to search my own episodes (as Y) the search program gave me every episode whose signature line simply had the letter "y" in it!!! It is not worth wading through that onslaught of a list! Since there are very few episodes with a double "y" in the signature line I figure that I am safe with YY. Here is my request: is it possible to change the episodes signed "Y" to the amended "YY"??? I would love to be able to search through my episodes (some of them written long ago).
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Post by JH »

I can't do it (except for an episode at a time, which would be impossibly laborious), but Sir Toby may be able to. However I fear that he may have the same problem that you did when you searched for your own episodes.

A year or two back, I tried to find out how many episodes each of the main writers had written, but I ran into the same problem when trying to search on "Y".
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Post by Anableps »

I might be able to get you part of the way, there, Y(Y). While I can't change your name from Y to YY in Sir Toby's database, I did extract the Y episodes using Microsoft Excel. After a sort and some quick deletes, I have a spreadsheet with links to 603 Y-authored episodes. (This count includes a few that were signed as YY.) The links show the episode number and title, just as Sir Toby's search would.

If you have Excel, I can send you the spreadsheet.
If you do not have Excel, I can send you the titles in text format. You can then get the episode number and use the episode number search function to look up any old of your old episodes that you want to reread.
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Sir Toby
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Post by Sir Toby »

Using raw SQL queries, I found 554 episodes that had 'Y' as the author. I updated all of them to now have 'YY' as the author.
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Post by Y. »

Thank you, I hope it was not a big bear of a problem to work out, but I am thankful for your work! :wink:
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