From: Alan Riddell (
Date: Sat Nov 10 2001 - 08:57:25 PST
> 172:1 > > Bigger than a breadbox, smaller than a tree, > Louder than a car horn. Please explain to me > Why it shakes or rattles, or how it rolls along > For twenty-four and seven as it blasts the same old song... > "Shake, rattle and roll...I said, Shake, rattle, and roll..." 172:2 ==== ThE wHeElS oN tHiS cOnTrApTiOn RaTtLe AnD cAuSe DiStRaCtIoN. tHeRe Is A jUmBlEiNg AnD a JiNgLeInG mAdE bY tHaT rEd FuRy ThInG. cOpY mE! cOpY mE! tHe MaChInE eVoLvEs! ==== Peekee -- Rule Date: 2001-11-10 16:53:32 GMT
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