169:10 - VALID +0.65

From: Glenn Overby II (guardcaptain_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 06:47:27 PDT

Factitious writes:

>    This always seems to happen to me when playing this game.  Due to the
>strange turn ordering (which I think has a non-deterministic element to
>it), I have to begin late, when the early spaces are too crowded for
>comfort.  I don’t particularly want to give any of my opponents a better
>chance of winning by bumping them back to space 70, but it looks probable.
>Well, I have to roll, so I might as well not agonize over it.
>    Let’s see, I’ve rolled a two and a four.  By my math, that works out to
>6, though addition is certainly a topic open to some debate.  This lands me
>on a previously empty space, so I won’t bump anyone back. Whew!
>    Anyway, some of you may be a bit confused with my piece.  Rather than
>use one of the default pieces, I chose to start the game with a customized
>one.  It’s a Klein Bottle, as I find the game’s defaults a bit simplistic
>from a topological point of view.  My stats are fairly low - 1 strength, 2
>magic, and a mere 0 charisma.  By the way, Aron, what did you get on your
>charisma roll?  Did you not mention it because you feel it’s low?  I’m not
>embarrassed of my low rolls, I can assure you.  It’s still possible for me
>to do well, even if it might have been better for me to take a default
>    I could take another turn at this point, but I remember the adage
>“Haste makes waste” and choose to wait for now.

The Judgement:

Validity:  No problems.

Style:  Start with +0.4 for the Klein bottle, and another +0.25 for expanding the
stats to include charisma.  Top it off with another +0.5 for the brave choice to take
low stats instead of a default piece.  The rule doesn't restrict other players, which
gets -0.5.  The total here is +0.65.

Reflections:  Strength, Magic, Charisma.  What shall we do with these lovely
concepts?  And we are starting to clog the path again.

Glenn E. Overby II "da recovering judge"
Clinton Twp, MI

Rule Date: 2001-09-28 13:49:00 GMT

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