Discussion topic

From: Jonathan Van Matre (JVanMatre_at_oslp.com)
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 09:42:12 PDT

<not a rule>
I'm curious about the traditional un-stylishness of re-submitting rules.
It would seem to me that resubmitting a stylishly INVALID rule in a
VALID fashion would be a stylish act, since it offers the opportunity
for those stylish restrictions to actually become a valid part of the
game.  On the other hand, I can see where resubmitting a boring,
unstylish rule would definitely carry additional style penalties.

I ask this not out of any great concern for the style ruling on my
resubmitted rule, but because it seems that this might be a contributing
factor in the lethargic participation the FRC has seen lately (as long
as I have been a member, in fact).  It appears to me that the primary
purpose of style points is to recognize things that make the game

By penalizing the resubmission of rules previously acknowledged as
stylish, don't we discourage the incorporation into the round of
whatever it was that made those rules interesting?

And yes, I'll accept that one should ideally "get it right the first
time", but the penalty for not doing so can always be applied to the
initial rule.  E.g. Our esteemed Judge this round deducted 1 Style Point
from my rule upon realizing it was INVALID.  That should be incentive
enough for me not to repeat the offense.  To penalize the resubmission
too is effectively double jeopardy, unless of course the resubmission
proves to be equally INVALID, and then it deserves whatever it gets.

Just some food for thought...  Unless there's a massive popular uprising
in favor of it, I won't dare to attempt yet another stab at 185:1.
</not a rule>

Rule Date: 2002-05-30 16:43:49 GMT

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