Re: 185:6

From: Aron Wall (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 10:22:07 PDT

James Willson wrote:

> 185:6
> >>>>>>>>>>
> Since the judge is an unsufferable twit,we will tell the judge what rules he
> does and does not like.
> The judge likes all rules which are consistent with previous valid rules
> which are not 185:5, but which are not consistent with 185:5.
> The judge does not like any other rule.
> >>>>>>>>>>

I'm afraid that fantasy rules can have no other effect on play except as
determined by the R.O.'s.  The R.O.'s do not allow fantasy rules to constrain
the personal likings of the Judge.

Aron Wall

Rule Date: 2002-05-30 17:21:49 GMT

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