
From: j3b4_at_yahoo.com
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 18:20:58 PST

Uncaring!? It is the lot of us practical types to be forever accused of 
heartlessness just because we look out for the less emotionally appealing 
aspects of the committee's wellbeing. 

Well so be it.  

For example it now falls to me to take care of the health and safety of the 
committee by returning the excessively dangerous blowtorch gift to Industrial 
Fantasy Supplies for a full refund of FB24.99.  All future rules must return or 
exchange a previous gift before giving the committee a new one.   The 
refunded money will be spent installing a plaque in memory of  our favorite 
author in the "YMCA Faerie Stunts Motel" where we all know he used to stay 
when dreaming up anagrams for our committee.

My new gift to the committee happens to be a ROMANTIC weekend getaway 
for three at the same Motel (meals included), valued at FB367.00 

Joshua E. Bearden
"Beware the fury of the patient man. "
-Dryden, (1631-1700)

Rule Date: 2002-11-26 02:20:57 GMT

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