214 Summary

From: Chris Huston (cmhuston_at_mts.net)
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 18:15:39 PDT

Yes, it was a quite round, but there were three rules submitted. That is
a 300% increase over the previous round. Next thing you know, we may
have a round with 9 rules! 

214:1     Chris Huston     Style = 0     Invalid
214:2     Joshua Bearden   Style = 2.5   Valid
214:3     Nathan Russell   Style = 2.5   Invalid

Judge for round 215 is Joshua Bearden with the only Valid rule. He
shares Wizardness with Nathan Russell.


(The following is ordered logically, and not timewise)


In a desperate attempt to have a round that last for longer than 1 or 2
submissions, I'm going to try something odd. The theme for this round is:

Cat Wrestling

Let's get ready to ruuuummmmmmbbbbblllleee!

Chris Huston wrote:
> Rule 214:1

For the record, 214:1 is Invalid because it appeared prior to the
official start of this round. 

Style for 214:1 is +3 for trying to get something started early, and -3
due to a conflict of interest.


Joshua Bearden wrote:
> An important distinction between cat wrestling and mere "cat fighting" is
> the use of claws.  Wrestling is more sporting and (dare I say) 'manly'
> contest in which the opposing felines vie for dominance using throws,
> holds, grips and fancy paw-work. At no point in any cat wrestling match is
> it appropriate for "the claws to come out". Any little kitty who so much as
> scratches another within sight of "the ring" will be judged invalid and
> disqualified from further wrestling.
> Do I make myself clear? NO CLAWSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! (for the rest of this round
> anyways).
> Yours truly,
> Old Deuteronomy

Good start to this round. Already two rules submitted (okay, so the
first one didn't count, but it sounds better this way).

Valid: On topic, and it hasn't violated any rules.
Stlye: Interesting restriction that will be easy to enforce.  +1
A second restriction that may be more difficult +0.5
Sets up a few ground rules for any future matches. +1

Nathan Russell wrote:
> Submission for 214:2
> (note that all words in THIS ROUND were capitalized above)
> During THIS ROUND, all rules must either put a cat in the
> wrestling rink, and may attempt to wrestle a cat placed by a
> previous rule.  A rule may not declate its own cat unbeatable,
> or set conditions making said cat effectively unbeatable.  A cat
> remains in the ring until defeated.  Every cat must be named and
> described.
> I place the cat Mouser on the field; Mouser is declawed and not
> particularly strong, but he will defeat any cat whose name
> contains consonants, since his fur causes severe consonant
> inflammation in other cats.
> Nathan

(According to FRC tradition, this rule submission is being renumbered as 214:3)

Since Mouser is declawed, he cannot violate the earlier rule. However,
the rule is inconsistant with itself, so I must rule it invalid.
Specifically, the phrase "...either ...and..." If that AND had been an
OR, then it would make sense. That is too bad, because I liked the rest
of the rule. 

Style: +1 for Mouser, +1 for a declawed cat with an unusual defense. +1
for being on themed with good restrictions. -0.5 for misspelling -0 for
logic(being rule invalid is enough of a penalty for the logic flaw)



Submitted by Chris Huston,
Judge/Wizard for Round 214

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