
From: Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) (jjweston_at_kenny.sir-toby.com)
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 23:57:18 PST

--- Begin 205:1 ---

Ah, what a tangled web of precedence we weave. I shall lay down the first
strand. All Fantasy Rules in this Round must enact a new mechanism, or
modify an existing mechanism, for how Fantasy Rules in this Round may take
precedence over one another.

A Fantasy Rule (the source) may take precedence over one Fantasy Rule (the
target) already in place by specifying that it does so, and indicating
which Fantasy Rule it is taking precedence over. Doing so allows the
source Rule to ignore any of the restrictions found in the target Rule as
well as specify restrictions or logic that are inconsistent with the
target Rule. Any inconsistencies created between the source Rule and the
target Rule are resolved by ignoring the portions of the target Rule that
are inconsistent with the source Rule for the duration that the source
Rule takes precedence over the target Rule.

--- End 205:1 ---

Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)

Rule Date: 2003-03-19 07:57:33 GMT

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