
From: Steve Gardner (gardner_at_sng.its.monash.edu.au)
Date: Thu May 22 2003 - 18:40:11 PDT

On Thu, 22 May 2003, Richard S. Holmes wrote:

> > That last restriction is such a brilliant stroke that I am left almost
> > speechless. How could it possibly be improved upon? Oh, I know: let's
> > *require* each future rule to include ad hominem remarks. What could
> > possibly be more fun than spending the Round insulting each other?
> Validity: Quotes not the previous rule but the rule before the
> previous rule.  The previous rule was Steve's own, so Steve could
> hardly be unaware of it, so a ruling of UNSUCCESSFUL cannot be made.
> Style: Invalidity is always unstylish.  In addition there's the fact
> that this rule fails to obey the restriction of Steve's previous rule;
> maybe Steve anticipated the latter's UNSUCCESSFUL ruling, but that
> seems dubious.  The quoting of the entire previous rule may have been
> due to the ambiguity of 209:3.  To forestall inflationary future
> rules, I will interpret 209:3 as requiring only that a (significant)
> portion of the previous rule be quoted.  -1.5.

With his usual insouciance, The Great Carpenter Holmes manages to hit
the wrong nail squarely on the head. In fact, I did anticipate the
UNSUCCESSFUL ruling, but in the same breath managed to forget the reason
for it: that 209:3 preceded mine, hence mine succeeded it, hence my own
Rule was the one I should be quoting. What a genius I am! That's what I
get for messing with Murphy's Law.

Still, since the proposed restriction of the INVALID and oh-so-
tremendously unstylish 209:5 is manifestly of superlative quality, I'm
going to repropose it here, and Mr. Arbiter-of-all-that-is-Sarcastic can
do as he pleases: future Rules are required to include ad hominem


Steve Gardner                   | 
School of Computer Science      |      I've only just realized
 and Software Engineering       |      how self-conscious I am.
gardner_at_sng.its.monash.edu.au   | 

Rule Date: 2003-05-23 01:52:39 GMT

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