Re: 209:8 -- VALID, -0.5

From: Richard S. Holmes (rsholmes_at_MailBox.Syr.Edu)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 07:27:02 PDT

Joshua <> writes:

>  --- Joshua <> wrote: 
> >> What a genius I am! 
> > 
> > Ha!
> > 
> There, that's a typical example of the incisive remarks that make me a
> cuttingly sarcastic committee member.  Although the rule appears to
> fall foul of the rule requiring all rules to comment on the sarcasm of
> previous rules I can't help but admire it's elegance.  In retrospect I
> realize that unconsciously I was laughing with Steve, not at him, and
> appreciating his self-effacing sarcasm.  My mono-syllabic guffaw makes
> a cheerfully supportive comment about Steve's implied statement that he
> is not in fact a genius, (a statement with which I cannot agree more). 
> Speaking of genius, I can't help but remind the committe (and the
> judge) that when faced with a mind such as mine, the wisest course of
> action is to concede the rightness and validity of all of my satements
> (and rules) without courting mental injury by trying to follow my
> balletic leaps of intuition and acrobatic contortions of logic. Don't
> try this at home kids.
> Ha ha ha ha ha, I kill myself!
> All future rules must acknowledge my genius.   
> -- 
> Rule Date: 2003-05-27 03:35:56 GMT

Validity: Quotes the preceding rule.  Does it comment on its sarcasm?
I argued in my judgement of 209:7 that it had no sarcasm to be
commented upon.  And indeed, this rule seems to say so.  But to
comment that a rule has no sarcasm is to comment on its sarcasm, I
say.  VALID.

Style: Less is more.  Here Joshua attempts to do the Judge's job re:
209:7, and gets it (I say) wrong; misapostrophizes "its"; misspells
"committee" and "statements"; and rattles on at a bit more length than
stylistic excellence demands.  -0.5.

- Rich Holmes
  Syracuse, NY
                  "We're waist deep in the Big Muddy
                   And the big fool says to push on." -- Pete Seeger

Rule Date: 2003-05-27 14:27:22 GMT

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