Round: 220: Final Summary

Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 09:33:35 PST

One week has passed since the last rule was posted and ... the judge and
wizard for Round 221 is Rich Holmes - congratulations!

This was a good round and I enjoyed judging it.  I believe the rules
specify that players can post more than one rule each round, and they also
specify no limit on the number of players.  Although I think the "no limit
on the number of players" is a big flaw in the RO (imagine how unplayably
chaotic this game would be with 500 players making rules!) we have never
exploited it.  For future rounds, I'd like to encourage more players and
more rules!

I, for one, plan to take advantage of the "I am an eligible player"
loophole - watch out!

The final standings are:

220:1 VALID +2.0 Jeff Weston  January 13, 2004 11:56 pm
220:2 VALID +1.5 Christian Leonhard  January 14, 2004 9:48 am
220:3 VALID +2.5 Rich Holmes January 14, 2004 10:36 am

Round 220 summary:

> --- begin 220:1 ---
> Ah, another FRC Christmas with the traditional gift exchange. All Rules
this Round must open a gift and read the warning label contained within.
I open up a gift, a bright red firetruck! Uh, oh... There seems to be a
warning label: "This gift will self-destruct within five rules." Hmm...
I think I'll move a small distance away.
> --- end 220:1 ---
> --
> Jeff Weston (Sir Toby)

Judgment: VALID
Style: +2.0
0.5 Creates a structure for future rules
1.5 A degree of irony with the gift that symbolically stops fires
potentially causing one.
0.0 Interesting mechanic of the self destructing warning.  After five
rules I will consider the gift, including its warning label, to be
destroyed.  I'm not sure what effect this will have on play since the rule
still stands, but who knows.

> --Begin 220:2--
> My turn. What have I got here? A book? Ah, a first edition Trojan Horse,
> by Mr. Stuey Olifant MacTees! But what's this inside? A bookmark? No, it
> appears to be a warning of some sort: "Beware of gifts baring Greeks." Now
> what is that supposed to mean? No matter, I'm sure the next rule will make
> it clear.
> --End 220:2--
> Christian Leonhard

Judgment: VALID
Style: +1.5
1.0 Yep - there is irony here!  The gift of this book does indeed bare
Greeks, because, by reference, it bares a title which bares Greeks.
Therefore we should beware of the book itself.
0.5 Creates a constraint on the next rule.

> --Begin 220:3--
> For me?  You shouldn't have!  What is it?  Oh!  The 2004 Sorority
> Girls Calendar!  Wow, look at the size of those... what's this?  A
> warning label on a calendar?  Hmm: "Warning:  Do Not Expose To Fire Or
> Flame.  Unexpected Consequences Will Occur."  Uh oh.  I'll just stick
> it under this here fire truck and sidle off to the other room.
> --End 220:3--
> - Rich Holmes

Judgment: VALID
This rule certainly bares bare baring Greeks.

Style: +2.5
1.0 Not reading each other’s warning labels is a great source of irony!
In this case, heeding your warning label leads you to put it under a gift
that symbolically should protect it.
0.5 Invokes the self destruct clause of 220:1
0.5 Follows and augments pervious rules.
0.5 "Unexpected Consequences."  Who knows what that means!


See you in round 221!

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