To Encourage Newbies

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To Encourage Newbies

Post by Lots42 »

Since so many of the early episode 'slots' are filled in, I'm worried this might scare off newbies. I recommend a 'guide'. This would have multiple features. A summary of the major bits of the first two hundred or so episodes. Belboz, Velus, Astra, even Bruno of all people.

Also, the guide would have 'fresh' episodes to start with. Like the one with amnesiac Stacy or, if Sir Toby is being daring <S>or is drunk</S>, the Staircase Room. Mwa ha ha.
- Burbank/Chen 2020. Sexy is as sexy does.
Hi! My name is Ib!
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Post by Hi! My name is Ib! »

Well, get to it then, Lots!

You clever little rascal, you!
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Post by Lots42 »

I don't have the HTML skills or the brainpower. I'd probably post ten lines, then write five more episodes about Josh farting and Scott trying to make a turtle launcher.

But seriously, no HTML skills.

Also, my cat likes to stand in front of the fan and fart but I don't think that applies here.
- Burbank/Chen 2020. Sexy is as sexy does.
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Post by Hi! My name is Ib! »

I'm so glad you're a cat person.

I like cats, too.

And other stuff. I neither therefore lack the brainpower thereof I like purple.


Pretty good though, eh? Ten years, Lots, of Sir-Toby. Does it make you feel old? I remember I was on the old addventure mailing list, and I do believe it was it was YOU who referred me to

I don't feel old, either. Everyday I feel younger and more immature.

IT'S GREAT!!! And although I don't own a cat I sometimes smell smelly smells.
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Re: To Encourage Newbies

Post by JH »

Lots42 wrote:Since so many of the early episode 'slots' are filled in...
Is that really a problem for someone keen to add to the story, given that most episodes have Add New Episode enabled?

When you suggest a guide to the first 200 episodes or so, do you enviage something like what WolfRun has produced for a few of the major story threads? Presumably it would be best if it could be for the first 200 episodes to be written, which of course won't coincide with episodes 1-200, a few of which may have been written much later.
Ben McClellan II
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Post by Ben McClellan II »

I remember the old Addventure mailing list.

I also remember the week that Prisoner, who must have been really bored, or starved for attention, starting responding to nearly every message of interest sent to the list in the past several months. He also complimented an episode of mine that I was proud enough to brag about on the list: where someone went back in time and killed Scott in the staircase room before he had a chance to either go up or downstairs, which would've drastically changed history, or every single Game 3 episode.

As for any newbies, I don't think any of the early episodes being filled in would discourage them. They could easily find a place to jump in and start contributing. Perhaps we need a guide describing all of the major (and minor) characters to help any newcomers out.
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Post by JH »

Ben McClellan II wrote:Perhaps we need a guide describing all of the major (and minor) characters to help any newcomers out.
There's already an excellent one produced by WolfRun, linked to from the NEQ home page. Perhaps it needs to be publicised more?
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Post by Frank »

Ironically, this would be useful to me, but most of it seems lost (the page linked from the way-back machine only stored the main page, and the direct links coming out of it; the list of characters being a third-level link)

Does anyone know where I can find a backup?

Alternatively, is anyone up to making a new guide?
Astra's current state (or where to expand next)
  • 47020: floating by the Wizard of Kamiro
  • 88522: Decently clothed
  • 88539: Indecently clothed
  • 88512: in a crag
  • 88514: Stuck in a crag
  • 88799: Very young
  • 1528 & 58459: reincarnated
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Post by JH »

Yes, the demise of Geocities was a great pity. I did send WolfRun an email a month or two ago, using the last email address I had for him, asking if he had a backup, but didn't get a reply. Hopefully he'll drop bt here sooner or later.

An out of date version is still available at:
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