Re: Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam... (fwd)

From: Aron Wall (
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 09:48:52 PDT

"Richard S. Holmes" wrote:

> (Richard S. Holmes) writes:
> > On the other hand, a Proposal directing the Judge to make a change to
> > the Forum probably would have legal force,
> Er, maybe not.  On closer examination of the ROs, this doesn't seem to
> qualify for a Proposal.  Proposals either amend the ROs (which I don't
> think is called for -- unless to add a self-repealing amendment, which
> is a loathsome circumlocution) or to override the ROs for a single
> round (and while a Proposal to change the Forum could be formulated as
> an override of RO#10, such a change ought to be permanent).

But they can also override "the decision of the Judge".  Normally this
occurs in the context of a decision on rule validity, but the R.O.'s do
not specify this, and I am of the opinion that this applies to all
decisions of the Judge, which allows for the committee to overrule a crazy
interpretation of the R.O.'s which does not affect rules directly, which I
think is a good thing.  So, simply overrule by proposal the decision of
the Judge not to change the forum to place X, and the forum must change to
place X.

Aron Wall

Rule Date: 2003-04-17 04:52:18 GMT

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