
From: Richard S. Holmes (rsholmes_at_MailBox.Syr.Edu)
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 05:56:03 PDT

Aron Wall <aron_at_wall.org> writes:

> But they can also override "the decision of the Judge".  Normally this
> occurs in the context of a decision on rule validity, but the R.O.'s do
> not specify this, and I am of the opinion that this applies to all
> decisions of the Judge, which allows for the committee to overrule a crazy
> interpretation of the R.O.'s which does not affect rules directly, which I
> think is a good thing.  So, simply overrule by proposal the decision of
> the Judge not to change the forum to place X, and the forum must change to
> place X.

Well, that sounds dubious to me, if you think that's what it takes,
I'll go for it.

Override Proposal:

The Judge's decision not to designate as the FRC forum one with a
lower incidence of spam, namely a mailing list hosted at trolltech.com
(but with a new posting address) which is configured to reject posts
from non-subscribers, shall be overridden.

I vote FOR this proposal.

- Rich Holmes
  Syracuse, NY
                  "We're waist deep in the Big Muddy
                   And the big fool says to push on." -- Pete Seeger

Rule Date: 2003-04-21 12:56:17 GMT

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